Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Workday Wednesday!

Today was a really beautiful day, in more ways than one. The weather was clear - 80's again with a refreshing breeze. It helps so it doesn't feel quite so hot. After devotions with the family today, we had the absolute joy of delivering the gifts to Cirino and his family at their house (pictured below). This is a picture of his children, who were peaking out the door as we waited for Cirino to come - too cute! You all can look forward to more pictures of this. Again, I'm reminded of how very little it takes to get by and live. We started off this morning with Darrick and I building T-posts, Lisa and Grant breaking down forms, Andrea and Mallory bending a few more re-bars, Cory and Dale stripping forms, and Courtney finishing up the garden fence. After lunch, some of us started hoisting up the stripped forms up the steep hill behind the north wall. Andrea and I wheeled a load of scrap wood in the wheelbarrow down to Cirino's house for him to burn to heat his water. Those of you on Team #1 can appreciate the hill to their house. Little did we know that the bottom of the wheelbarrow was full of huge nails and metal straps. Going down the hill wasn't as bad as pushing it back up! Ohhhhh! All of us are sore and achy this evening, but all is well. The rest of the team is out playing kickball/baseball with the Zaragoza kids inspite of being worn out. Please continue to pray that all of us will stay well. Two of the Zaragoza kids have come down with the virus that is being passed around. Last evening we had our devotions at the restaurant across from our hotel. I think that's the plan tonight's fun. Well, I got the signal that we're ready to leave. More later!
Cirino & Jasmine's Children Stripping the forms from the backside of the north wall.

Heave-ho. Dragging them up the very steep hill.

The garden fence almost finished.

The Team in front of the column where Team #1 left their mark.


  1. Loved the pictures! Thanks for posting Teresa. :) Things are flying here with wedding prep and I can't tell I am being held up by the prayers of great friends. Things are good, God is good. :) Got to run, have a marvelous day! :)

  2. Hi Mom....and Team! It looks like you all are working hard! I'm proud of all of you for what you are doing and praying you all stay healthy. Enjoy the remainder of your time there, and I hope you have a safe trip home! See you soon!

  3. I knew all the work you did as a child on the farm would come in handy! I think it prepared your arms for this! Praying daily for you! Luanne
